Saturday, September 22, 2012

Faakupu feelings

Coz I haven't posted about this enough on social media, have you checked out this song out recently?

I have to admit I had never heard it prior to Willie Jones singing it at his X-Factor USA audition, which aired on NZ TV this week. So I went and YouTube-d the song, and found this clip of the original artist performing it live.

Nice song huh? Oso ai le fiafia. Lol! Enjoy.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Some random thoughts on everything and nothing:

  • How is it my daughter only knows 'Savalivali means go for a walk' from daycare, taught to her by her Maori and palagi teachers? Can't be because I'm a slack parent. When I find the answer, I'll be sure to let you know.
  • Doing budgets is so exciting and saving is not. If I could save money using a spreadsheet, it would be so much more fun...I mean geeky and soooo boring (yay)
  • I really dig the X-Factor (USA). I thought it would be a one-season-stand, but no, two years on and we are still so in love.
  • I am old. The hubby and I just watched 'Gone in 60 Seconds' and reminiscing, and then 'Better Days' by Citizen King played during one of the scenes ... and you're like who is that? My point exactly.
  • "Can't afford" is such an interesting phrase. You may "not afford" to buy lunch at work so you take a sandwich every day, but if someone close to you dies you can somehow "afford" to produce several thousands of dollars in a matter of days.
  • I must be Samoan, because I just used death of a close family member as an example in a discussion of financial matters. Just another day in the life.
  • 300 is on TV right now. What a wonderful educational film on history.

Ok, those may have made more sense as random Facebook posts, however the Facebook account is unavailable due to scheduled maintenance (of my mouth).

Until next time, remember you are beautiful. No, don't check the mirror, just take my word for it.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Appreciating David

David? Who the fly is David? No, not Beckham nor Bain.

David, son of Jesse, the shepherd kid who could sing like an angel, slay a giant with a slingshot, become king of Israel and Judah, steal another man's wife and kill him (just in cases), and all in one lifetime.

Although endorsed by God himself as a man after His own heart, David was not one of my favourite people in the Bible. I never forgave him about the whole Bathsheba saga. (Coz you know, I was there and all and it deeply affected me).

Anyway, I was reading that story again today and I don't know if I had just forgotten or always skipped over the part immediately after David's "momentary indiscretion" (as K.Stew put it), but ... David's child dies. Despite David's repentance, fasting and praying, his child dies as a result of his sin.

David's response to the news of the death was to arise from the ground, where he was prostrate before the LORD; he "washed and anointed himself, and changed his clothes; and he went into the house of the LORD and worshiped." And not until that was done did he eat.

Amaze to the days.

What a stuff up. What a massive consequence to pay. What a comeback.

There is hope for me still. (Not that I've stolen my neighbour's wife or anything, though)